2024 endMS Summer School
Theme: "MS Pathogenesis, Prognosis, and Repair"
Dates: June 10-13, 2024
Hosted by: The University of Manitoba and Manitoba Multiple Sclerosis Research Centre (MMSRC)
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
2024 endMS Summer School Event Site for Participants
Congratulations and welcome to the successful
2024 endMS Summer School applicants!
Message from the 2024 endMS Summer School Co-Hosts, Drs. Soheila Karimi and Chase Figley:
The University of Manitoba and Manitoba Multiple Sclerosis Research Centre (MMSRC) are very excited to host the 2024 endMS Summer School in Winnipeg, from June 10-13, 2024.
Members of the MMSRC have close ties to both the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba and the MS Clinic within Health Sciences Centre – Winnipeg (Manitoba’s largest hospital), and include a range of basic scientists, translational scientists, and clinician scientists. Therefore, the theme for this year’s Summer School will be MS Pathogenesis, Prognosis, and Repair.
This will draw upon the broad range of expertise among MMSRC research groups, including pathogenesis and disease mechanisms, advanced genomics and bioinformatics, mechanisms of MS progression, structural and functional neuroimaging biomarkers, diagnosis and management of cognition, anxiety, and depression, treatment of MS and exacerbating comorbidities, and therapeutic approaches for white matter repair and regeneration.
Work is already underway to assemble an exciting program that will include various plenary sessions on the latest advances in MS research and clinical care, equity, diversity and inclusion workshop, career development sessions (focusing on opportunities and pathways both within and beyond traditional academic/university appointments), and various small group workshops. Time will also be devoted for each of this year’s SPRINT teams to present their yearlong group projects, for participants to interact with and learn from people living with MS, and to meet and network with peers who will be coming from across Canada to learn together and share our collective passion for advancing MS research.
Features and Eligibility
The Summer School program features plenary sessions, workshops and career development sessions. To be eligible, applicants must be enrolled full time in a graduate program or be a postdoctoral or clinical fellow. Those enrolled in an undergraduate program (e.g., medical students) who have previously completed graduate training are also eligible. Please see Application and Program Guidelines below for complete details.
Important Dates
Competition Opens: December 12, 2023
Application Deadline: February 15, 2024
Anticipated Notice of Decision: Mid April, 2024
Program Start Date: June 10-13, 2024
Application and Program Guidelines
endMS Summer School was an amazing opportunity to see that people within the MS community are not alone. Large conferences aren't always conducive to networking and I think this made me feel like I was a part of a supportive group of trainees, researchers, clinicians, and individuals affected by MS. (2023 participant)
"I was able to meet other MS trainees from across Canada and gain exposure to aspects of MS research and treatment that I normally do not encounter (MRI, clinical neurology). It was also a very well-organized program that utilized our limited time very effectively." (2019 participant)
Overall it was a wonderful experience. Coming from a clinical background, I could follow up with the amazing Basic Science research presentations and the in-lab workshops were amazing. (2023 participant)